Direct instruction is instruction approaches that are structured, sequenced, and led by teachers. Also, Direct instruction is a way that teachers present academic content to students, for example in lectures or presentations. In other words, the teacher is “instructing” the teaching process, or the teaching is “instructing” the students. (cite) In fact, direct instruction is most common teaching way of a lot of counties. That is, Students go to school, and get knowledge from teachers. Teachers and schools usual made a big teaching frame as teaching tool that help students having better understanding what they should do or learn in the class or out of class.

Teachers play important role in the direct instruction. In below ,there is a video shows that there is four-part process for teachers to help learners.

1: teacher should motivate the students and activate background knowledge. That is , teachers should estimates students’ knowledge level and study skills .

2: explain the new skill that will be learned. That is, teachers should made clearly pan to teaching outline.

3: model the new skill for the learners. During modeling, instructors should be clear and direct in their presentation; they also should be precise and mindful in using general and mathematical vocabulary as well as in selecting numbers or examples for use during instruction.

4: provide an opportunity for guided practice. that is, teachers should make tests or quizzes help students review their knowledge.

In our group Blueprint, we also use direct instruction which make a clearly outline for students to study and learn step by step.  learners will know what should they do every day and every week, and they will know how to improve or steady their knowledge and context of books .Also , they will have tests or quizzes, in this case , teachers are able to have better understanding to help students from this feedbacks.

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